Monsters 2 for DFRPG

Gamers! If you missed the starting time appearance of Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game ( DFRPG ), fate and Steve Jackson games (SJG) have granted y'all a 2nd – but fleeting – chance to selection upwardly a box. It's happening through a successful Kickstarter campaign that will reprint the boxed set up, launch a new Monsters 2 book, and offer a agglomeration of add-ons. (The campaign ends Sat, March 23 2019 7:13 AM UTC!)

Why practice you want this game? There are equally many reasons as there are flavors at that 1 ice cream chain. There are so many reasons, in fact, that only a logorrheic hack blogger could list them all.

That's my cue!


2019-03-16: Added a few dainty "pull quotes" in the text, and began a list of handy links at bottom of page. Please advise more!

2019-03-17: Updated text to reflect the happy news that the project has funded!

2019-03-19: Added TL; DR summary at stop.

2020-05-11: Link to above TL; DR summary broke somewhere along the mode. Fixed now.


The beneath draws from the content of DFRPG and other products, information from SJG, comments and reports from SJG representatives and fans and third parties, my own reviews and writings and play feel with the game, etc., etc. – but it all boils downwards to my own understanding and opinions, and not those of anyone else. Blame me for anything that'south wrong or just plain ridiculous!


Want the brusk version? Jump to the end.

31 reasons why you want to selection upwards Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (and fast!)

Official Dungeon Fantasy RPG logo

Storm Dungeons, Slay Monsters, Seize Treasure

Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game  production page

1. Its lineage is impeccable. The game'southward full title is Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game, Powered by GURPS . That means Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game ( DFRPG ) is congenital on the award-winning, genre-spanning, massively-supported Generic Universal Roleplaying Organisation ( GURPS ) that's been honed and improved for 3 decades past industry veteran Steve Jackson Games (SJG). That heritage brings a lot of advantages to DFRPG (read on). But DFRPG isn't GURPS . It doesn't crave you to own a single GURPS book (even Bones Set ), or have a lick of GURPS feel, or intendance almost GURPS at all. DFRPG is its own new game.

A dungeon crawl RPG boxed set, with high quality maps, art, cardboard counters, etc., and it is based on my favorite RPG system ( GURPS )! This is the best RPG product I've gotten in a LONG time.

Review on

ii. It's all-in-one. A lot of games make the claim, but DFRPG goes the distance with a full book on edifice (and customizing, equipping, and improving) characters, a large volume on how to practice everything (especially fighting and looting!), a packed spell book for magic slingers, a tome of monsters to keep players decorated (and scared) for a long time, and a set up-to-play adventure. Along with gorgeous giant play maps, stand-up figures for PCs and monsters, and dice. There'south zippo else you demand to buy (though you'll want to bring more of your own regular d6 dice to the table).

@SJGames's Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game  makes #GURPS piece of cake to commencement; it was e'er easy to play.

Turhan'due south Bey Company on Twitter

3. It loves classic dungeon gaming. DFRPG is packed with homages to the tropes of fantasy fiction, RPGs, and even dungeon-themed video games like Diablo . It begins with archetype professions (call up "character classes"), each filling a unique niche in an skilful team of monster-slaying looters: crazy strong barbarians, bewitching bards, undead-turning clerics, spooky druids, evil-slaying holy warriors, stalwart knights, mysterious martial artists, sniper-like scouts, daring swashbucklers, sneaky thieves, and learned wizards. You'll as well find powerful potions, cackling liches, secret doors, floating eye monsters, chests of aureate pieces, and that feel-good moment of every fantasy game, the thief's devious backstab from the shadows.

4. It puts a fresh spin on classic dungeon gaming. Players (like me) who began with pop "erstwhile school" games will also relish what'due south different in DFRPG . Things like: PCs built from individually selected traits and capabilities, not levels and random stats; a magic system that feels (and in fact is) old-school only powers spells through tactical employ of free energy (non limits similar "once per encounter"); realistic tactical actions at the heart of gainsay (instead of whittling down hit points or calling on special course feats); attacks and defenses as explicit actions; artillery and armor that piece of work like the existent things (and are available to whatever profession); and a hundred other features that make an sometime genre fresh.

You lot are a gamer. You lot want this.

5. It'south streamlined for focused delving. DFRPG strips down and curates the vastness of GURPS to get out simply what yous want: hack-north-slash dungeon delving for loot and power. It gives the kicking to things similar lawyering and science skills (boring!), haemorrhage rules (not heroic!), and unadventurous spells (why delve if yous tin can conjure aureate and magic items?). Abilities that remain – even unlikely-sounding skills like Panhandling, Speed-Reading, and Heraldry – get clear, specific uses in dungeons or towns. The 400+ spells are fun and meaningful in a dungeon setting. Physical feats, gainsay actions, gear – everything is filtered through the question "is this interesting for dungeon delvers?"

6. It's simplified for fast play. DFRPG simplifies GURPS rules for things like condition, wealth, and crafting. It replaces GURPS ' multiple levels of linguistic communication fluency with a unproblematic "you know the language or yous don't" purchase. Abilities like poison and disease resistance work without change, but with simplified costs (a fact appreciated by dwarf and half-orc PCs). For many special character abilities, DFRPG dips into GURPS ' rich systems for skill techniques and designing powers, simply hides the fancy systems, presenting just the terminal abilities and their costs. (Monsters-only special abilities don't fifty-fifty bother with betoken costs.)

The Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game has a premise that's exactly similar that of Basic D&D (i of the most popular OSR darlings), married to a ruleset that does everything most editions of D&D exercise in a manner I detect better. It's bespeak-based! It has a unified mechanic! Information technology has a good skill organisation! Warrior-types are actually better at combat than spellcasters!

Review at Octopus Carnival

7. Grapheme creation is fast. DFRPG presents each PC profession as a template that mostly builds a grapheme, then walks you through finish-up choices ("Choose xxx points' worth of advantages from this list", "Choose one of these 3 weapon skill packages", etc.). Variable items similar your running speed or your final level in Survival skill are worked out past the template. If you lot decide to depart from your template, you (and the GM) don't have to fret over what'southward allowable or balanced. Just pick out the goodies you desire to add, driblet stuff of equal point value that you can alive without, and – with a thumbs-upwards from the GM – yous're expert to go.

The graphic symbol templates in the DFRPG take a huge load off of the players (and to a considerable extent the GM), and then everybody tin can get to actual play–which is remarkably easy–faster.

Matt Riggsby in thread on EN Earth

eight. Graphic symbol customization is the best in the business. Each of the eleven professions is packed with choices that make your PC yours. Each as well offers customization notes for realizing specific types of barbarian, thief, etc. – not mechanical contrivances like "prestige classes", but suggestions for the choices that will make your scout a better compensation hunter, ranger, or sharpshooter, or turn your druid from a natural generalist into a focused beastmaster, elementalist, or greenish druid, right from the get-go. Next up: Have your choice of 9 PC races. Still not quite you? No problem; GM willing, you tin can modify professions and races all you like, or invent wholly new ones, using the ton of advantages, disadvantages, and skills in the set.

Some of what'southward in that big square box.

nine. Characters are epic and unlimited. DFRPG doesn't enquire you to slog through "Level 1" adventures in mortal combat against 3 kobolds and their brigand boss. Beginning PCs offset at the level of full-fledged hero fabric, a real threat to local monsters. (Some monsters. Others will pick their teeth with you.) Besides, DFRPG doesn't have "For characters up to Level 10" ceilings. PCs can grow endlessly, buying e'er more of the many power-ups that beckon. That means DFRPG is your starter, intermediate, and proficient set, all in one.

10. Customization is for more than just characters. Turn favorite weapons or pieces of kit into signature gear and ability items. Cull from mix-and-match customization options for weapons and armor. Buy armor apace as a simple adjust with single price and weight, or equally any wild combination of parts. A dwarven plate breastplate with mail arm pieces (one elven, one regular), off-the-rack leather gloves, a dragonhide helmet enchanted for extra deflection, and scale leggings with custom fit to reduce weight, accented past boots of the finest spider silk? Sure, if you've got the money (and the fashion courage).

The customization possibilities are practically endless, and the grapheme cosmos process seems like a wonderful kind of gamble all its own. . . . An interesting aspect to all of this is that there'southward no random element (die rolling) to creating your character: Everything about your grapheme is based on a pick yous've made. . . .

"What Is Dungeon Fantasy – Powered by GURPS?" at Geek Dad

xi. Information technology'south got kit. DFRPG has enough kit to pack a Samwise's Warehouse Club to the ceiling. Camping and survival gear, adventuring combat accessories (mundane and special order), covert ops gear, esoteric and scholarly supplies, and much more. Kits for first aid, medicine, field alchemy, lockpicking, and trap disarming. Manuals, tomes, and maps (of varied usefulness). Weird chemicals, poisons, potions, scrolls, and magic items. More weapons than should be legal fifty-fifty in a dungeon, including weird ones like lasso, bolas, cyberspace, trident, whip, boomerang, tonfa, and katar, plus variant arrows, bolts, and sling stones.

Which leaves gear — a ton of it. The catalog includes every muscle-powered weapon in Characters , a agglomeration from GURPS Low-Tech and GURPS Martial Arts , and a couple of made-upwardly ones (everybody loves combat shovels and humongous clubs!). Shields. All the armor you lot could want, piecemeal or in complete suits, and consistent with the well-received Low-Tech rules. Everything then far is modifiable, also — if you desire a hatchet that'due south likewise a climbing aid, and spiky armor, go for it! Plus there are pages stocked with miscellaneous equipment, including items from the entire Dungeon Fantasy series. Oh, and magic items for wealthy starting adventurers.

Sean Dial, DFRPG designer, at "Dungeon Fantasy Designer's Notes two: Eleven Flavors of Munchkin, a Golf game Bag Total of Swords"

12. Information technology's got exploits. DFRPG tells you exactly how to score extra cash (legally or otherwise), notice quests and sponsors (you can even annunciate!), identify and sell boodle (again, legally or otherwise), camp and provender, map and watch, execute feats of parkour, bash and bend obstacles, find and disarm (or set) traps, make friends and influence monsters, tie upwards and interrogate prisoners, exorcise cursed alters, bandage hundreds of spells, call on divine assist when none of that works, and style, mode more. (There's combat, too.)

From the original Kickstarter ( DFRPG + GM Screen + DFRPG Companion + actress dice and bases)

13. It'due south got evil. Every bit in, more monsters than yous tin can milkshake a Flaming Blade of Smiting at. Giant and mutant animals. Man-eating mushrooms and mortiferous molds. Slimes and oozes. (SJG has a thing for slimes and their friends.) Undead, demons, faerie, constructs, elder things, and the rest. A few standouts: exploding demonic doomchildren, skull-crushing spheres of madness, and dragons that could challenge an army. (And now: a new batch of evil in Monsters 2 !)

Equally far as I know, you won't find every bit-Sharak, ciuaclán, crushrooms, doomchildren, electric jellies, eyes of death, mindwarpers, peshkali, slorn, spheres of madness, or watchers at the border of fourth dimension anywhere else.

Sean Dial, DFRPG designer, in "Dungeon Fantasy Designer'due south Notes 5: Jaws That Bite, Claws That Catch"

xiv. It's got every known style to die. PCs volition see with sanity-diggings fear checks, fatigue furnishings, curses, poisons, diseases, shock, stunning, unconsciousness, knockdown, knockback, crippling, dismemberment, afflictions, incapacitating atmospheric condition, mortal atmospheric condition, flame, lava, acid, falls, suffocation, starvation, heat and cold, traps, supernatural hazards, and wandering monsters. Fortunately, y'all also become to spring those things on the bad guys. (Fifty-fifty that last one. Dungeon delvers are the existent wandering monsters.)

Something to proceed in mind for GURPS – and the Dungeon Fantasy RPG likewise – is that tactics that work well in the real world will also tend to work well in the game. Ambushes, ganging up on someone, creating choke points and so forth – all these will make a clear and measurable difference in a fight.

Jürgen Hubert in thread on RPG.cyberspace

15. Combat is exciting. DFRPG ' s round-less combat is all about smart positioning and tactics – where to set on, with what, and how. Don't just chip away at a huge beast's hit points; try to cripple a leg, lop off a foot, vanquish the encephalon, pierce the heart, or blind the optics. Take advantage of feints, deceptive attacks, disarms, waits, weapon length, rapid strikes, and rear or side attacks. Use grapples, slams, takedowns, throws, and pins to wrestle heavily armored foes into submission (and then slip a blade into an armor joint). Exploit esoteric cognition to pinpoint monsters' weaknesses. Utilize specific psychological skills to taunt and intimidate. When the baddies finally strike back, don't wait passively for the GM to tell you how many hit points yous lose; selection up your dice and actively defend yourself with shield blocks, parries, dodges, risky acrobatic tricks, retreats, cover, and (of form) magical protection.

The most honey activity of adventurers, fighting, gets its own chapter. Nevertheless you like your violence — frontal attacks or ambushes, armed or unarmed, melee or ranged, on any battlefield — it's covered. So are related feats, such as swinging from scenery and taunting foes.

Sean Dial, designer of DFRPG , in "Dungeon Fantasy Designer'south Notes 3: Fighting (and Other Activities)"

16. Evennon-combat is exciting. DFRPG loves classic dungeon gainsay, but it's got enough non-lethal activity to fill a session with nary a sword unsheathed. Beg, busk, gamble, scrounge, shoplift, smuggle, pick pockets, counterfeit coin, seek quests, ferret out rumors, enquiry hidden secrets, conversation up sponsors, haul bit, sell maps and songs, forage and fish, prospect for ore, assess loot, clarify potions, brew medicines, read omens, haggle with merchants, purchase and sell on the black market, heal up at a temple. . . . DFRPG keeps these quick and simple, equally befits an action-oriented game, but they're existent activities that phone call on individual skills and abilities. They're fun.

A peek at the new Monsters two book

17. It pampers gamers. DFRPG goes extra miles to work things out for gamers in accelerate, specifying exactly how to resolve this case, or what to whorl for that job, or how some trait affects what skills. The books tackle inevitable player questions in accelerate – not merely the countless topics covered by GURPS ' obsessive completeness, simply specific dungeon globe stuff ("Can I sell junk? Can I brand my ain armor? What happens if I'm defenseless shaving coin? Can I practise something with Poesy skill? What if I assail the chest'due south hinges?") Monster write-ups include elementary-English language notes on what to curlicue for special abilities, to what effect. The Graphic symbol Sail repeats handy game information in the margins. Optional (just useful) GM amenities include an Adventure Planning Class, GM Command Sheet, records for Wandering Monsters and Random Traps, Room Record Sail, and index carte du jour-sized forms for original Monsters, Traps, and Diseases/Poisons.

Dungeon Fantasy RPG does all the work for rules for the GM, reorganized them for digestibility, and then provided niche-protecting templates for again easing the front-loading of character generation.

Douglas Cole, writer of DFRPG  supplements at Gaming Ballistic

xviii. Information technology's packed with gaming tips. DFRPG is loaded with advice on pre-game prep, dungeon planning, balancing monsters vs PCs, making every PC useful, keeping heroes alive, handing out treasure (and reining in oops-too-much treasure), and much more. Pull quotes, in the voices of pre-fabricated PCs, look like "color" text but evangelize actual tactics for fighting and looting. Fifty-fifty the included run a risk contains advice on running combat, scaling encounters, and dealing with unexpected thespian decisions. It handily repeats stats for monsters that appear; at the stop, it gives a cracking summary of all available treasure, detailed guidelines for character point rewards, and hooks for extending the adventure. Information technology'southward all great stuff for a new GM.

Optional add-ons include How to Be a GURPS GM , a super-guide that works with DFRPG , too!

19. It welcomes munchkins. Given that the Munchkin game series is SJG's biggest product line, it'south not surprising that DFRPG has a honey for healthy power-gaming. Its sample PCs are nicely optimized for tactical tricks and squeezing out every point of harm (with notes telling how it'south done). The game anticipates, and tries to accomodate, clever ruses that munchkins love. (Like, "Tin I put multiple doses of poison on my weapon?" Many games would say "No, that'd be exploiting the poison rules." DFRPG says "Sure, slather information technology on! Here's how.") Money-making schemes are welcome also. (I call up it all works largely considering, over 30+ years, GURPS has worked out how to stretch along with power gamers, without breaking.)

Sometimes you desire an intricate fantasy setting that encourages roleplaying and characterization – one with lovingly detailed cultures and plots, enabling you to give each hero a past, a family unit, and a home town. Sometimes you want to utilise every dominion, making the game richer and more realistic . . .
. . . and sometimes yous just desire to play a combat-monster warrior who stomps monsters and takes their stuff!

Product folio for the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy  series (the immediate "parent" of DFRPG )

20. Information technology'southward physically awesome. You don't often go this sort of swag in a game. Five books. Giant double-sided maps for exploration and battle. Dozens of heavy, stand-up graphic symbol and monster counters with plastic bases. Dice (though you lot'll want to add together more of your own). The soft-encompass books have solid bindings and full-colour, lush artwork on par with the industry'south best. A big, sturdy box holds information technology all.

From my table

21. It's built for ease of utilize. DFRPG improves on GURPS ' character templates, using layout and colour for easy reading. Stats in Monsters accept similarly improved layout (and initial images from Monsters ii  show even better presentation). The books are well organized, with the thorough indexing and page references that SJG is known for. Color-coded page edges make finding the right sections of books piece of cake. Exploits includes a collection of primal tables; Spells ends with a primary spell list. The dorsum covers of DFRPG ' s books are "cheat sheets" of primal rules, useful tables, and more, perfect for instant reference in play. (Every game should practice this.)

22. It'southward congenital for sharing. The utilize of multiple shorter books is a hit with GMs and players. GMs can keep the Monsters book (and the included Dungeon  adventure book) to themselves, while players pass effectually Adventurers , Exploits , and Spells . (Oftentimes, a glance at the handy back-cover "cheat sheets" is all a player needs.)

Grab extra copies of the most-shared books

23. It's got the simplicity of GURPS. That'south right, the simplicity of GURPS . Some gamers error the widescope of (optional) topics covered by GURPS for complication, when in factdoing things is very easy. There's just i kind of dice, the bog-standard d6 that anyone has lying about, with no futzy special die faces or die pools or other permutations. Just toss 'em and total 'em, typically to succeed at a job by chirapsia a skill level (or other target number) written on your character course. That'south play in a nutshell.

I've besides introduced the game at our center schoolhouse gaming club where it has been embraced enthusiastically. (Indeed, the school bought some sets before they sold out; run into a photo below.). . . . The basic mechanic of rolling below your skill is easy for new players, regardless of their previous gaming experience. Everybody enjoys the character generation organization, especially the disadvantages and quirks. They add and so much depth to the characters and provide roleplaying hooks for the other players and potential run a risk hooks for the GM.

Dalin in thread on

24. It's got the detail of GURPS. "Particular" here doesn't mean complexity in resolving individual challenges. It means in that location's a stunning breadth of challenges that the game thinks out for you in advance. Like the vast range of bachelor combat actions, out-of-combat activities, and dangers noted before: when these pop up, DFRPG gives you "here's what to roll, and here'south what happens", not "um, make something up". Combat does get into crunchier detail, with rules that make positioning, weapon choice, set on location, weight carried, and so on matter – because tactics are fun when choices thing. (Just even in gainsay, the heart of things is uncomplicated: "Gyre confronting this number on your sheet to parry the orc's swing. Okay, now roll against this number to clean his clock.")

Bachelor from the electric current Kickstarter campaign – if you motility fast!

25. It'due south built on the best, most up-to-date rules. GURPS has undergone little revision (as opposed to expansion) since the starting time of 4e, but some improvements have appeared as optional changes. If yous know GURPS , you'll capeesh that DFRPG draws from the latest improvements, like newer-style special bonuses for talents (instead of the older reaction bonuses), select perks from later GURPS supplements, and updated weapon stats from GURPS Low-Tech . (Side bonus in all this: If yous've been curious well-nigh GURPS just aren't sure how to dip a toe in its vast waters, DFRPG makes for an fantabulous examination dive!)

26. It's got great physical support. Fun DFRPG add-ons are available from the Kickstarter campaign. There's a beautiful and ridiculously sturdy Dungeon Fantasy GM Screen , which includes a peachy Character Cosmos Cheat Canvass booklet for super-fast character building, and the spiffy Delvers to Go booklet that lets you skip character building altogether and use one of 13 pre-made PCs (whose design notes besides serve equally mini lessons in optimizing characters). Then at that place'southward the Dungeon Fantasy Companion that compiles a book of stray traps, a tome of wondrous magic items, and a sequel to the adventure included in DFRPG . (You become to play a second adventure on those cute play maps!) The campaign also offers back issues of Pyramid magazine featuring adventures, new professions, and more for dungeoneering with DFRPG and GURPS . Plus more than stuff. Go check it out.

Would y'all like a GM Screen with that?

27. It's got great online support. On the SJG Forums, you'll find an agile, friendly, and newcomer-welcoming DFRPG forum and GURPS forum. Lots of helpful answers and advice come directly from the GURPS product line editor, the author of many GURPS books and also DFRPG . On SJG's Warehouse 23 site, you'll find back bug of Pyramid with dungeoneering content for GURPS and DFRPG . SJG also does a fine job of publishing errata for its products online, with free updates for its PDF products.

Pyramid issues with more scenarios, character options, everything!

28. It'south got third-party support. Young publisher Gaming Ballistic LLC has put out a licensed DFRPG product, The Hall of Judgment  (complete with 16 set up-to-play PCs and a special bonus: upgraded grappling rules for any combatants, even dedicated wrestler PCs). A second production, The Citadel at Norðvorn , is available right now through a Kickstarter entrada. Both of these offer chance scenarios in a micro-setting that expands the DFRPG game world. (Mmm, Viking-flavored.) The publisher says there's more to come up this year, also. Will in that location be even more 3rd-political party publishers of DFRPG material down the road? I can't say, merely this is a fine first!

Hall of Judgment, the offset third-political party supplement for DFRPG . The second is on the way!

29. It'due south instantly and massively expandable. Every bit a pretty new game, the Dungeon Fantasy logo is stamped on a modest number of products and so far. Just if it's expansion you're looking for, at that place's – you guessed it – the entire GURPS line. Start with the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy serial of PDF books. DFRPG already borrows heavily from information technology (equally the names propose!), but the series stands set to add together more professions, options, magic, settings, and more from its dozens of books. From at that place, you tin co-operative into GURPS Magic (more spells!), GURPS Low-Tech (more than gear!), GURPS Martial Arts (fighting styles and more commotion), GURPS Basic Set (more . . . everything), and on to books almost guns, sci-fi, fourth dimension travel, superpowers, bio-tech, and whole game worlds. Get nuts.

With Dungeon Fantasy you become a game that has everything that you demand to play for months and years, and on height of that you become a system with GURPS that has hundreds, if not thousands, of pages of back up that you can use to expand and enrich your games. Dungeon Fantasy is a well-designed game that is based upon many hours of play-based experience, which tin can be a rarity in tabletop role-playing games. The GURPS rules are a finely tuned play experience that gives what it says it will give.

Christopher Helton in "Delving Into Worlds Of Dungeon Fantasy With GURPS"

xxx. It's a professional person product. DFRPG is attractive, well laid out, and polished – just like the three decades' worth of GURPS books backing it up. SJG books are legendary for groovy indexes, copious page references, and thorough errata-squashing. (And I'll note this: y'all won't detect text like "Thespian'south tin use there points to role an extra die" in an SJG book. The visitor knows how to write and edit.)

If we're going to release our first boxed RPG in over two decades, we want it to exist worth our while and yours, with solid content, good-quality components, and bonny, full-color art. Therefore we have no intention of compromising past omitting important professions, gear, spells, critters, combat rules, or anything else — or of squeezing things in using tiny, hard-to-read typefaces and cheap layout tricks.

Sean Punch, DFRPG designer, in "Dungeon Fantasy Designer's Notes ane: What, Who, When, Where, Why?"

31. It's a heck of a value. What'southward the catch behind all the to a higher place? As in, how much? Unfortunately, the second printing of the game is going to cost more than the first did. Y'all can selection up a box in the current Kickstarter campaign for $95 (including the $xx Monsters 2  book). That's not pocket change for about gamers, but it compares very well with, say, a D&D Gift Set (which does offering hard book covers and a DM screen, but lacks DFRPG 'south set up-fabricated adventure, maps, figures, bases, and die). And I'll echo: From at that place, you lot have everything needed for years of dungeon raids and open-ended PC growth.

Bottom line: if you've been curious virtually GURPS  or wanted to endeavor simply were afraid that information technology was too complex, Dungeon Fantasy RPG  is the introduction indicate you lot needed to get over the hump. If yous are an experienced roleplayer and love the hack-and-slash genre, DFRPG  will excite yous with a level of character detail and inventiveness that is hard to replicate in other systems.

Series: Dungeon Fantasy RPG Review at Just Coil 3d6

1 of the Kickstarter promo graphics. Get your DFRPG boxed set up reprint + Monsters 2 book!

Go boot that start!

So at that place you become. In closing, let me add: If this doesn't spur yous to buy DFRPG through the Kickstarter campaign (What? 3-thousand-word essays aren't the primal to reaching hearts and minds?), do at to the lowest degree jump at the chance to score Monsters two ! Fifty-fifty without DFRPG , you'll be able to utilise the book with GURPS (specially the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy series). Or just have a cool book of monsters to look at.

Questions? Comments? I welcome it all, merely your best place to go feedback from lots of friendly people is in the comments at the Kickstarter campaign page. Gear up and wade in!

Handy links

A starting listing. More coming!

Goods from Steve Jackson Games

  • The Kickstarter campaign for Monsters 2 , reprint of the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game  boxed fix, and more
  • Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game product page (with downloadable forms, freebie PCs, and links to pages and pages of tips and notes)
  • Original Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game Kickstarter campaign
  • GURPS Dungeon Fantasy series (the immediate parent of Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game)
  • The primary GURPS product page (the bigger extended family of Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game )
  • Official Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Games forum

More goods from Gaming Ballistic

  • The Kickstarter campaign for The Citadel at Norðvorn , the upcoming second DFRPG setting & adventures volume from Gaming Ballistic
  • All about the already-published The Hall of Judgment

DFRPG reviews

  • Review at Geek Dad
  • Six-part review at
  • Large review at
  • 4-part review at The Alfred Effect

DFRPG on this site

  • My six-role unboxing/review of Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game  at T Bone's Games Diner
  • All DFRPG -related stuff at T Os's Games Diner

Got more links you'd like to meet here? More great quotes you'd like to encounter in the principal text above? Get out a comment!

"Too long, didn't read" condensed list

Hither are those 31 reasons once again, in TL; DR grade. Which means it'south condensed for easy cutting-and-paste into your own uses of Propaganda skill. Spread the discussion!

1. Its lineage is impeccable. DFRPG is powered by 30+ years of GURPS  (simply is its own new game; no GURPS books or interest required).

2. It's all-in-one. DFRPG has books for characters, exploits, spells, monsters; an run a risk; behemothic play maps; figures with bases; and dice.

iii. It loves classic dungeon gaming. All the character types, action, dangers, and treasures of traditional dungeon delves.

4. It puts a fresh spin on classic dungeon gaming. DFRPG offers a bespeak-buy system for unique characters, realistic tactical battles, & much more.

five. It's streamlined for focused delving. DFRPG borrows just the parts of GURPS that are fun and meaningful for hack-n-slash delving.

six. It's simplified for fast play. DFRPG simplifies many GURPS rules and systems to keep the action moving.

7. Character cosmos is fast. Utilize templates to take most of the work out of character edifice. (Or not; it'south your option.)

8. Grapheme customization is the best in the business. 11 professions x 9 races ten countless options = space characters!

9. Characters are epic and unlimited. DFRPG starts PCs at hero level and takes them to any epic level, right out of the box.

10. Customization is for more than just characters. Tons of customizations, mundane and magical, for weapons, armor, & gear.

xi. It's got kit. DFRPG has adventuring & covert gear, professional kits, weird concoctions, tons o' weapons, and much more than.

12. It'due south got exploits. Criminal shenanigans, urban socializing, coin hustling, underground parkour—ever something to do.

thirteen. It's got evil. fourscore+ classic dungeon monsters and original weirdness, plus variations—and more nasties arriving in Monsters 2 .

xiv. Information technology'south got every known way to die. Fright, curses, poisons, diseases, dismemberment, suffocation, lava, traps… Expert luck!

15. Combat is exciting. Countless tactical assail and defense options are available to everyone on the boxing map.

16. Fifty-fifty non-combat is exciting. Beg, busk, hazard, shoplift, smuggle, counterfeit, haggle, forage, research, craft, & more.

17. Information technology pampers gamers. DFRPG  goes extra lengths to piece of work things out for gamers in accelerate, and gives GMs plenty of play aids.

eighteen. It'south packed with gaming tips. Loads of advice on prep, planning, gainsay balance, hero survival, rewards, tactics, more!

19. It welcomes munchkins. DFRPG anticipates power-gaming hacks (like multiple doses of poison on weapons).

20. It's physically crawly. Five sturdy, full-colour books, behemothic double-sided maps, dozens of stand-up characters with plastic bases, & dice.

21. It'due south congenital for ease of use. Easy layouts & stats; keen organization & indexing; color-coded page edges; "cheat sheets" on back covers.

22. It'south congenital for sharing. Multiple books let players easily pass around references for characters, spells, and exploits.

23. It's got the simplicity of GURPS. Success is "vanquish the target number on 3d6", with no special dice or funny mechanisms.

24. It'due south got the item of GURPS. Countless situations & atmospheric condition are addressed, so players' choices and tactics affair.

25. It's congenital on the best, nigh upwardly-to-date rules. DFRPG incorporates the latest improvements to GURPS (and adds its own). It's also a great mode to try out GURPS !

26. It's got great physical back up. The Companion book compiles three great supplements; the GM Screen includes 2 more.

27. It's got swell online support. Enjoy friendly online forums, published errata, and more content in Pyramid dorsum bug.

28. It's got third-political party support. Gaming Ballistic is publishing licensed DFRPG setting/adventure products for DFRPG !

29. It's instantly and massively expandable. Add whatsoever of countless GURPS supplements for fantasy – or sci-fi, tech, annihilation.

30. It'south a professional person product. DFRPG  is attractive, well laid out, & polished past veterans, with high-quality writing & art.

31. It'southward a heck of a value. DFRPG rewards your budget with all-in-one awesomeness that (IMHO!) beats the big-proper noun games!

Freebie pic!

During the above Kickstarter campaign, SJG's Daily Illuminator spider web page featured this very article. That was pretty cool, I idea, and so took a screenshot.

Thanks to SJG for their plug for . . . uh, for my plug for SJG. : )